new background

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Only One Perfect Understanding

There was more to this post, but in consideration to those still dealing with the hurt I have decided to remove it. I will leave only this portion as we can all apply it to our lives. . .

"We cannot concern ourselves with issues that are not ours to evaluate. We have to believe that God is greater, God is bigger. We cannot cross judgement on someone's life if we do not understand. The truth is, none of us can completely comprehend anything. We are humanly flawed and divinely delivered out of our humanity when we submit our understanding for the chance of a better one - His."




  1. May God bless the families in a new season. May your testimony be used for God's glory.

    1. Amen! Thanks for your response Tahnee! I replied long ago but it didn't take for some reason! Sending love your way. oxox

  2. Amen and Amen. Wonderful post. :-)

  3. Love your blog! I think this is something everyone needs to be reminded of. None of us are perfect and sin is sin. Not a single person has any right to judge others for what they have done because we have all sinned. Christianity should be about forgiveness. After all isn't that why Christ died for us!? To forgive us of our sins. We should all have people who we can look up to and hold us accountable for our actions but nobody has the right to judge us for our actions either. Thank you for this =)

    1. Thank you!!! Amen and amen! Really appreciate your response. :)


~ a memoir of motherhood and life